Member-only story
My precious granddaughter wrote a book about the year 2020. She said she wanted to make sure people in the future knew what happened during this awful time. She worked hard on it, first writing it by hand, then typing it into her phone, and then she gave it to me. I told her I would make a book out of it, but I didn’t tell her I would publish it. She did, however, write an “about the author” which is below, including the picture she chose.
I would be eternally grateful if you could all buy one of her books (99c). It would mean so much to her and might even provide the inspiration a little child needs to pursue a dream. It will be on Apple, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.
The name of the book is: The Year 2020, and it’s by Adalina Giammatteo.
Author’s bio:
I am eight years old and in third grade, and I used my experiences to write this book. I plan on writing more books with what I know and my experiences. I enjoy writing fiction books, so I will probably write some fiction books and nonfiction books. My grandpa is a writer and I hope me and him both become famous writers. I hope my dream comes true.
The book is available on Amazon and at Smashwords now. It will be available on Apple, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble on Monday.
And anyone who buys one of her books is welcome to any one of my books free. Just write to me and tell me which one you want and what platform you read on.