Commonly Mispronounced Words
At some point in time, most everyone mispronounces a word or two. But you don’t want to continually mispronounce words, especially ones that others will recognize as some of the commonly mispronounced words.
There are some pronunciation differences that can be attributed to dialects like the difference between “cray fish” and “craw fish” or how someone from Boston may pronounce car. But I’m not talking about that; I’m speaking of mispronunciations on a national level. The words that are mispronounced everywhere.
Some of these words are mispronounced so often and by so many people the mispronunciations are not only becoming accepted, they are in danger of replacing the original way of pronunciation. A perfect example of this is “cardsharp”. The correct pronunciation is “card sharp” and yet, as you can see from the Google ngrams below, “card shark” has overtaken the correct pronunciation by a long shot.